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Real-life Linked Data: a diary

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Last weekend we (Ric and Bill from Swirrl) attended the Lovely Data hack-day in Manchester.

For the event, we’d promised to make available a Linked Data version of the Transport for Greater Manchester bus stops and schedules data, which had recently been released as open data. So, during the week leading up to the event, Bill blogged a Linked...

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Let's make a Linked Data app: Mapping the English Deprivation Stats

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Earlier this year, we (Swirrl), launched the OpenDataCommunities site, on which we host a Linked Data version of the 2010 English Indices of Multiple Deprivation.

Map Explorer

Over the last week or so, I’ve been building a map-based web app (check it out here), which can be used to explore the data from OpenDataCommunities. The map shows the Lo...

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